Bill Sullivan Posters 2015 - 2023 Forest Hills
S U N is excited to announce the release of a new book presenting the complete run of Bill Sullivan’s Forest Hills posters. Following the publication of his 2013 book Forest Hills, Sullivan started working with the management of Forest Hills Stadium to produce a unique poster for every act that played the venue. The horseshoe shaped tennis stadium depicted by Sullivan in his book had began extensive renovations in 2013, turning the 14,000 seat tennis stadium into a modern concert venue. Bill Sullivan Posters 2015 - 2023 Forest Hills spans that 8 year period and includes each of his 126 posters from that time. All of the posters in the series are built around the horseshoe shape that defines the stadium. The horseshoe shape provides the same basic format for each poster, but completely changes its style to assume the specific representation of each of the different acts depicted.
“I created the book Forest Hills back in 2013 to recreate what the Stadium would have looked like in the 1900s when tennis was played there,” said Sullivan. “The reason why I was attracted to the site is that it seems to change within all the images I looked at. In the beginning, it had grass courts, with three courts – then it eventually changed to one clay court. It went from men playing in long tennis pants, to women wearing short dresses playing on clay courts. That book was an investigation of how the stadium continually changes through time. It was a real inspiration to have this strange but real place where I am able to remain in the same place but to have it continually changing through the years. That idea is what inspired me when I started to do the concert posters - to have the space and the design completely change with the identity of each artist that played there.”
soft cover
256 pages
6 x 8 inches (154 x 24mm)
Printed in Minesota
Edition of 250
$45 ( shipping $7 domestic, $25 international )
~ free pick-up in NYC~